
A simple associative (i.e. a key:value pair) data transformer which transforms the keys of an array data to some other specified keys. It also supports casting of data values to a specified type (e.g integer, boolean, string, \DateTime e.t.c)

What This Package Seeks To Achieve

  1. Streamlining the process of transforming data keys.
  2. Reducing cluttering of application controller and business logic with data normalization activities such as transformation of data keys.
  3. Upholding the DRY principle by employing classes for different data keys transformation.

Codes To Support The Package's Claims

Let first start with a code snippet that tries to present what we might normally do without this package.

    // An http request payload from a POST request
    $data = array(
            'title' => 'Hey, am a title',
            'description' => 'Hey, am simple description',
            'pub_date' => '2016-05-10 10:05:30',
            'comments_count' => '10',

    // In some projects, where you have received an http request 
    // payload like the above, which needs to be normalized to 
    // match some specific database field names, the snippet below
    // is a representation of what we might do without this package
    // (but with this package could have been done much more fluently without    
    // cluttering our application controller or codebase);

    if (isset($data['title'])) {
        $data['newTitle'] = $data['title']

    if (isset($data['description'])) {
        $data['text'] = $data['description'];

    if (isset($data['pub_date'])) {
        $data['published_date'] = $data['pub_date'];

    if (isset($data['comments_count'])) {
        // Here, we do just type casting, from string to integer
        $data['comments_count'] = (int) $data['comments_count']

    // Now $data contains the transformed keys with their associated data

Now let's try to use Transformer package to streamline and remove the clutter in the above code snippet, even keeping our code DRY in the process.

    // Using the same payload($data) as in the above snippet.

    // Here, we're using composer, hence we'll pull in composer's `vendor/autoload.php` 
    // file to do it magic (autoloading)
    require 'vendor/autoload.php';

    // Also, to use this library, we'll need the `Transformer` class, so will pull it
    // in like so:
    use Ofelix03\Transformer\Transformer

    // We first create a class PostTransformer that tailors our transformation 
    // to our business model. This approach is recommend if we intend to use our 
    // transform the same data set (payload) in different locations in our code base

    // PostTransformer is suppose to implement just 2 public methods 
    // 1. createRequestKeys
    // 2. createMorphKeys
    // Both methods returns an array of key definitions which represent the definitions
    // of 'requestKeys' and 'morphKeys' as we will see in the code snippet below.

    class PostTransformer extends Transformer {

        // The returned array contains the keys expected from the request 
        // payload (.i.e $data)
        public function createRequestKeys() {
            return array(

        // The returned array contains keys expected to replace the 
        // specified keys in the createRequestKeys() in positional indexing order
        public function createMorphKeys() { 
            return array(
                // This will cast the type of the value to a an integer 

    // Time to instantiate our new PostTransformer class, with the http request 
    // payload ($data) we want to transform it keys, and hopefully do some casting
    // on some values that requires type casting.
    $postTransformer = new PostTransformer($data);

    // Now we transform the keys, and perform any necessary casting by invoking 
    // transform() on $postTransformer like so:
    $result = $postTransformer->transform();


    // This should be the output of var_dump() the $result
    array (5) {
        ["title"] => string(15) "Some Post title"
        ["description"] => string(36) "Some post description here and there"
        ["published_status"] => bool(true)
        ["published_date"] => string(19) "20-06-2016 12:30:30"
        ["comments_count"] => int(0)


  1. Using composer

    composer require Ofelix03\Transformer

    NB: Make sure to require vendor\autoload.php at the top of the the file you want to use the transformer package in. Exampe: Assuming I'm using this package in a file named main.php, this is what my main.php file would look like:

        require "vendor/autoload.php";
        use Ofelix03\Transformer\Transformer;
        // Your code to use the Transformer class goes here.
        // Example:
        $transformedData = (new Transformer())->transform($payload, $reqKeys, $morphKeys);
  2. Using github clone You can also clone the github repository for this package

    Simply follow the laid out steps below. Make sure you already have git environment set up on your machine. You can checkout how to do so on Git's official site

    • Step 1

      Open your terminal and run the git clone command below:

          git clone https:\\\ofelix03\transformer.git
    • Step 2

      Copy the php files inside src directory to any location in your app directory structure and require them in this order:

          require 'app/root/folder/transformer/src/TypeCaster.php';
          require 'app/root/folder/transformer/src/KeysBag.php';
          require 'app/root/folder/transformer/src/Transformer.php';


    // Assume $data is the request payload that requires some of its keys 
    // to be morphed into other keys.
    // This can be an http request payload or data set query from a database
    // or any  data source.
    $data = array(
        'title' => 'Some Post Title',
        'description' => 'Some post description here and there',
        'pub_status' => '1',
        'pub_date' => '20-06-2016 12:30:30',
        'comments_count => '10'

    // Here, $reqKeys list the keys in $data which are going to 
    // be transformed to some other keys defined by the $morphKeys
    $reqKeys = array(

    // $morpKeys holds a sequential listing of keys which 
    // are to replace the keys specified in the $reqKeys. 
    // The key listings should be have the same index position has the key it 
    // would replace in the $reqKeys
    $morphKeys = array(

    // Time to transform some keys using the `\Ofelix03\Transformer\Transformer` class 
    // **NB**: Make sure to autoload `\Ofelix03\Transformer\Transformer` class before using it, 
    // else it would not work. 

    $transformer = new \Ofelix03\Transformer\Transformer($data, $reqKeys, $morphKeys);

    $result = $transformer->transform();


    // $result should now hold your transformed keys with their corresponding values
    // This is the result of var_dump($result)
    array (5) {
        ["title"] => string(15) "Some Post title"
        ["description"] => string(36) "Some post description here and there"
        ["published_status"] => bool(true)
        ["published_date"] => string(19) "20-06-2016 12:30:30"
        ["comments_count"] => int(0)

Other API's on \Ofelix03\Transformer\Tranformer


The following are the types currently supported for casting data.

  1. Integer (int)
  2. String (string)
  3. Array (array)
  4. Boolean (bool)

Feature Features

PHP's DateTime class and Carbon will be supported in the next release. Other primitive types such as double(also known as float) and object will be supported with future releases.


You can help improve this docs by sending me a pull request and hopefully I will merge it in. Also, you spotted an error (syntax or logic error) ? I will be glad to recieve a pull request of a fix of that error. But I would love it if you first open an issue and hopefully if it's not already in the pipes of resolution by me or someone else, I will gladly assign it to you.